Żukowo, Czaple

Price: PLN 829,000

Price per meter: PLN 7,970.99

Offer manager:

Mieczyslaw Aleksander Sowinski

phone: 502 085 066

e-mail: ms@alians.eu




Offer number: DS-28946

Description of the offer

First, some information about the plot – PLN 249,000. PLN, Entrance to the plot from the south, dimensions 21x38m, water, electricity, gas at the plot. The plot is covered by a development plan - together with it we sell the service of building a passive house in developer standard "CLASIC". There are other projects and other locations to choose from: Dobrzewino, Pępowo, Luzino, Chwaszczyno, Gdynia, near Wejherowo, Pruszcz and others. If you want a raw state, the price of the house will be: PLN 354,000. zloty. Project name: ECO 2_84 Offer number: b37540

Offer sent from the Galactica Virgo system

Offer parameters

Land area

800 m2

The square footage of the house

104 m2

No. of rooms



PLN 829,000

Price per meter

PLN 7,970.99


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