in matching the plot and the house

We need the following data when we offer you a specific plot of land and it is not our property. We will work hard on it - checking all the pros and cons of buying it - we will go with you to look at it, sometimes not just one, but several plots, previously checked and - rarely, but sometimes it happened - you buy the plot from the person indicated by us and you commission the construction of the house to someone else or you don't build it at all.
This is why:

With respect to the indicated plots, we obtain from you the exclusive right to carry out activities aimed at purchasing the properties indicated by us, which means that you will only do so with our participation. Address information (GPS, geodetic number, all data about the plot) can be sent by e-mail or via WhatsApp. One more question remains: what if the situation described above, which we do not want, occurred: a violation of the exclusivity rule? Then we will want remuneration as in a typical agency.
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