Out of concern for the best possible service for our clients, Alians has signed a mutual cooperation agreement with not one but many banks. Such a move allows us to better select a loan offer and diversify the risk of a possible failure in the process of obtaining funds for our clients. Something that significantly differs us from many credit intermediaries is the fact that we do not charge an additional pool of remuneration - with us you will pay for the loan exactly the same as you would pay at the bank's headquarters, and in some cases even less. Due to the large number of loans we arrange for many banks, we are quite a serious partner in negotiating the conditions for granting a loan to our client by the bank. We mainly mean: the interest rate, the need or not to carry out an appraiser's valuation, the amount of own contribution and, most importantly, the number of documents requested by the bank. Bank representatives give up much sooner when we - a company that brings them many customers - fight on your behalf for the best treatment and the fastest possible loan settlement.